吴渴欣 男,1992.07生,辽宁大连人,中共党员(2012.11至今)
2016.09-2021.02连续四年半在海外担任助理研究员(Research Assistant),期间获机械工程专业双硕士及博士学位,师从国际知名流体力学专家Kim HeuyDong教授(国际理论与力学联合会IUTAM韩国分会主席、2024年第26届世界力学家大会ICTAM主席、2025年亚洲流体力学大会ACFM联合主席、2023年第34届国际激波学术会议ISSW主席、SCI期刊Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology主编),优秀地完成韩国国家研究基金高速空气动力学项目1项、韩国先进科学研究项目1项(与韩国国立首尔大学合作完成),获2021年韩国机械工程师学会(KSME)优秀博士论文奖。近5年以第一作者、唯一通讯作者发表国内外期刊及会议论文65篇,其中高水平SCI期刊论文27篇;具备非常突出的英语听、说、读、写、译能力,曾担任国际会议英文同声传译。现担任多个国际顶级学术会议的科学评价委员会委员及多个国际知名SCI期刊审稿人,是韩国机械工程师学会(KSME)、韩国推进工程师学会(KSPE)、韩国可视化学会(KSV)、中国力学学会(CSTAM)以及中国工程热物理学会会员(CSET)。
●方向1,航空航天内流流体力学(InternalFluid Mechanics in Aeronautics and Astronautics)

●方向2,深海采矿内流流体力学(Internal Fluid Mechanics in Deep-Sea Mining)

1. 福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜(福布斯U30)入选者,2022年;
2. 韩国机械工程师学会(KSME)优秀博士论文奖,2021年;
3. 大连市甘井子区优秀青年人才,2021年;
4. 海外硕、博全额奖学金,2016-2020;
5. 大连市青年领袖,2013年;
6. 重庆市大学生青年骨干,2012年;
7. “青春榜样”优秀共青团干部,2012年;
8. 优秀学生干部,2012年;
9. 青年志愿者先进个人,2012年;
10. 精神文明先进个人,2011年;
1. 国家自然科学基金/青年项目,激波诱导推力矢量喷管射流非定常流动特性形成及演化机理研究,国家级,30万元,在研,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金/面上项目,细丝线在高速间歇气流场中的运动特性及失稳机理研究,国家级,51万元,在研,参与;
3. 浙江省自然科学基金/探索青年项目,基于深度学习的双喉道推力矢量喷管非定常流动特性预测及机理研究,省部级,10万元,在研,主持;
4. 人才引进项目,基于激波矢量控制的喷管内部流动特性研究,厅局级,15万元,在研,主持;
5. 军工项目,粗颗粒矿物混输泵管系统陆上试验装置结构分析及优化,20.4万元,在研,主持;
6. 横向项目,液力透平与离心泵技术研究,50万元,在研,主持;
7. 中华人民共和国科学技术部国家重点研发计划,深海多金属结核新型采矿模式及其原理样机研究,799.6万元,在研,参与;
8. 中华人民共和国科学技术部国家重点研发计划政府间科技创新合作,矿用混输泵低耗耐磨关键技术研究及应用,100万元,在研,参与;
9. 浙江省“尖兵、领雁”研发攻关计划项目,大型液化气接收站超低温LNG球阀关键技术及产业化,省部级,3000万元,在研,参与;
10. 浙江省“尖兵、领雁”研发攻关计划项目,面向水泵行业区域集群的智能化协同生产平台研发及应用,省部级,2575万元,在研,参与;
11. 发明专利成果转化项目,带尾翼射流装置的无蜗壳离心通风机叶轮及其工作方法,140万元,结题,参与;
12. 中国教育国际交流协会项目,面向新型深海商业采矿技术的中波合作计划,厅局级,10万元,在研,参与;
13. 青年人才专项项目,多金属结核开采中沉积物扩散的数值模拟研究,厅局级,6万元,在研,参与;
14. 韩国国家研究基金(NRF),Study on pseudo-shock wave phenomenon and its control method,国家级,1000万元,结题,参与(海外期间);
15. 韩国先进科学研究项目(ERC),가변추력용초음속노즐설계및성능특성,国家级,1200万元,结题,参与(海外期间);
1. Kexin Wu1, Senthil Kumar Raman, Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman, Guang Zhang and HeuyDong Kim*. Effect of the wall temperature on Mach stem transformation in pseudo-steady shock wave reflections.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 147(118927), 2020.
2. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. Theoretical and numerical analyses of aerodynamic characteristics on shock vector control.Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 33(5): 04020050, 2021.
3. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. Sensitivity analysis on counter-flow thrust vector control with a three-dimensional rectangular nozzle.Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 34(1): 04020107, 2021.
4. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*. Hysteretic behaviors in counter-flow thrust vector control.Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 32(4): 04019041, 2019.
5. Kexin Wu1,*. Study on aerodynamic features of rod thrust vector control for physical applications.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 237(1): 156-176, 2023.
6. Kexin Wu1, Guang Zhang, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. Numerical parametric study on three-dimensional rectangular counter-flow thrust vectoring control.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 234(16): 2221-2247, 2020.
7. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. Numerical study on the shock vector control in a rectangular supersonic nozzle.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(13): 4943-4965, 2019.
8. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*. Fluidic thrust vector control based on counter-flow concept.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 233(4): 1412-1422, 2019.
9. Kexin Wu1, Guang Zhang and HeuyDong Kim*. Study on the Mach and regular reflections of shock wave.Journal of Visualization, 22(2): 1-21, 2019.
10. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. Visualization and analysis on the thrust vectoring control in three-dimensional dual-throat nozzles.Journal of Visualization, 5(24): 891-915, 2021.
11. Kexin Wu1, Zhao Liu, Ruoyu Deng, Guang Zhang, Zuchao Zhu,Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman and Xianghui Su*. Study on the aerodynamic performance of novel bypass shock-induced thrust vector nozzle.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 16(4): 765-777, 2023.
12. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. Numerical study of fluidic thrust vector control using dual throat nozzle.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 14(1): 73-87, 2021.
13. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. Computational study on the detachment and attachment phenomena of shock waves.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(8): 1-10, 2021.
14. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. A fluidic thrust vector control using the bypass flow in a dual throat nozzle.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 35(8): 1-9, 2021.
15. Kexin Wu1,Gerald Canaan Sohn, Ruoyu Deng, Hao Jia, HeuyDong Kim and Xianghui Su*. Study on wall pressure and hysteresis behaviors of a novel dual-bell nozzle.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 37(9): 1-8, 2023.
1. Kexin Wu1,Tao Ren, Zhao Liu, Honghong Yang, Zuchao Zhu and Xianghui Su*.“Study on solid-liquid two-phase flow characteristics in shaftless mixed transport pump”,10thAsian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science,Nov. 9th-12th, 2024, Zhangjiajie (China).
2. Xinyi Fan, Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman, Arun Kumar Rajagopa, Senthil Kumar, HeuyDong Kim, Ruoyu Deng andKexin Wu*. “Study on shock train oscillation in a rectangular diverging isolator using large eddy simulation”,26thInternational Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug. 25th-30th, 2024, Daegu (Republic of Korea).
3. Aoqi Zhu, Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman, Arun Kumar Rajagopa, Senthil Kumar, HeuyDong Kim, Ruoyu Deng andKexin Wu*. “Study on internal flow characteristics of a three-dimensional axisymmetric dual-throat nozzle”,26thInternational Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aug. 25th-30th, 2024, Daegu (Republic of Korea).
4. Kexin Wu1, Xinyi Fan, Arun Kumar Rajagopal,Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman,HeuyDong Kim and Ruoyu Deng*. “Study on self-excited oscillation of a rectangular shock-induced thrust vector nozzle jet”,34thInternational Symposium on Shock Waves,July. 16th-21st, 2023, Daegu (Republic of Korea).
5. Kexin Wu1, Aoqi Zhu, Arun Kumar Rajagopal,Vignesh Ram Petha Sethuraman,HeuyDong Kim and Ruoyu Deng*. “Study on hysteresis phenomenon in a rectangular shock-induced thrust vector nozzle”,34thInternational Symposium on Shock Waves,July. 16th-21st, 2023, Daegu (Republic of Korea).
6. Kexin Wu1, Zhao Liu, Arun KumarRajagopal, HeuyDong Kim, Abhilash Suryan, Minoru Yaga, Wenjie Fang and Ruoyu Deng*. “Study on three-dimensional rectangular shock-induced thrust vector nozzle utilizing a novel mass flow bypass”,9thAsian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science,Nov. 27th-30th, 2022, Utsunomiya (Japan).
7. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. “Study on the side force prediction in shock vector control”,24thInternational Society for Air Breathing Engines, Sep. 22nd-27th, 2019, Canberra (Australia).
8. Kexin Wu1, Jayabal Rajasekar and HeuyDong Kim*. “Influence of the ramp temperature on pseudo-steady shock wave reflections”,15thAsian Symposium on Visualization,Sep. 25th-28th, 2019, Busan (Republic of Korea).
9. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. “Study on effects of the wall temperature for shock reflections”,7thAsian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Sep. 3rd-7th, 2019, Tokyo (Japan).
10. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. “Numerical studies on the performance of shock vector control”,Proceeding of the ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, Jul. 28th-Aug. 1st, 2019, San Francisco (USA).
11. Kexin Wu1, Abhilash Suryan and HeuyDong Kim*.“Numerical analysis of transitional criteria between Mach and regular reflections”,7thAsian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science,Nov. 21st-24th, 2018, Trivandrum (India).
12. Kexin Wu1,Abhilash Suryan and HeuyDong Kim*.“Assessment of aerodynamics on shock vector control”,7thAsian Joint Workshop on Thermophysics and Fluid Science,Nov. 21st-24th, 2018, Trivandrum (India).
13. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on fluidic thrust vector control based on dual-throat concept”,XI International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer,May 21st-24th, 2018, Cracow (Poland).
14. Kexin Wu1,Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on the aerodynamic performance of a dual bell nozzle”,9thAsian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power,Mar. 14th-17th, 2018, Xiamen (China).
15. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*.“Thrust vector control using co- and counter-flows”,9thJSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference,Oct. 28th-30th,2017, Okinawa (Japan).
16. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*. “Thrust vector control using counter-flow”,14thAsian Symposium on Visualization,May.22nd-26th,2017, Beijing (China).
17. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*. “Study of a simple thrust vector control using cylindrical rod”,Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dec. 16th-19th, 2020, Gangwon-do (Republic of Korea).
18. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*.“A bypass shock vector control using mass flow modulation”,11thNational Congress on Fluids Engineering, Aug. 12th-14th, 2020, Jeju (Republic of Korea).
19. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. “Study on effects of the ramp temperature for shock reflections”,Korean Society of Visualization, Dec. 5th-6th, 2019, Daegu (Republic of Korea).
20. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. “Performance assessment of the dual-throat nozzle thrust vector control in a 3D rectangular nozzle”,Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, Nov. 27th-29th, 2019, Busan (Republic of Korea).
21. Kexin Wu1, TaeHo Kim and HeuyDong Kim*. “Effect of the viscosity on shock detachment criterion”,Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Nov. 13th-16th, 2019, Jeju (Republic of Korea).
22. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Effect of the wall temperature on the shock reflection”,Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Apr. 18th-19th, 2019, Gangneung (Republic of Korea).
23. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Numerical study on the shock vector control in a three-dimensional rectangular supersonic nozzle”,Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, May. 30th-Jun. 1st, 2018, Busan (Republic of Korea).
24. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on the Mach and regular reflections of shock wave”,Korean Society of Visualization, Nov. 29th-30th, 2018, Busan (Republic of Korea).
25. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on the Mach reflections of shock wave”,10thNational Congress on Fluids Engineering,Aug. 22nd-24th, 2018, Yosu (Republic of Korea).
26. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on the aerodynamic performance of dual bell nozzle”,Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, Dec. 19th-21st, 2018, Busan (Republic of Korea).
27. Kexin Wu1and HeuyDong Kim*.“Study on the Mach and regular reflections of shock wave”,Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, Apr. 19th-21st, 2018, Ulsan (Republic of Korea).
28. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*.“Hysteresis behaviors in the counter-flow thrust vector control”,Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, Nov. 6th-9th, 2017, Jeju (Republic of Korea).
29. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*.“Thrust vector control using a co-flow concept”,Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers, May 29th-31st, 2017, Jeju (Republic of Korea).
30. Kexin Wu1, Yingzi Jin and HeuyDong Kim*.“Thrust vector control using counter-flow”,Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, May 25th-26th, 2017, Busan (Republic of Korea).
2. 一种医用超音速无针注射装置;
3. 一种装备弧形旁路的矩形激波诱导推力矢量喷管;
4. 一种利用隔板抑制圆形隔离段激波串振荡装置;
5. 一种利用二次流注入与燃烧的矩形隔离段激波串控制装置;
6. 一种利用角域气体抽吸与再注入控制激波串振荡的隔离段;
7. 一种用于抑制激波串自激振荡的矩形隔离段;
● 通讯地址:浙江省杭州市钱塘区下沙高教园区浙江理工大学24#楼501室
● Email:kexin.wu@zstu.edu.cn