王严 600cc大白菜官网讲师,博士
● 多相电机设计及其控制策略研究
● 车用永磁电机设计及其驱动技术
● 新型特种电机设计及其控制系统
1. 国家自然科学基金,电动汽车中多相感应电机和飞轮混合动力系统的关键理论和技术(51777191),67.7万,2018.1~2021.12,排名3/8
2. 浙江省重点基金,超重力环境下高可靠性多相电机系统多物理场耦合分析与高性能控制策略(LCZ19E070001),35万,2019.1~2022.12,排名5/7
1. Yan Wang, Jiaqiang Yang, Rongfeng Deng, Guanghui Yang,“Parameters Estimation for Multiphase Induction Machine with Concentrated Windings Through Finite Element Method”,IET Electric Power Application, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 1807-1817, 2020.
2. Yan Wang, Jiaqiang Yang, Guanghui Yang, Sheng Li and Rongfeng Deng. “Harmonic Currents Injection Strategy with Optimal Air-gap Flux Distribution for Multiphase Induction Machine,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronic, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1054-1064, 2021.
3. Yan Wang, Jiaqiang Yang, Sheng Li, Guanghui Yang, Rongfeng Deng and Haseeb Hussain.“Multi-plane Rotor Resistance Online Tuning Strategy for Multiphase Induction Machine Under Non-Sinusoidal Power Supply,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronic, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 9487-9500, 2021.
4. Yan Wang, Jiaqiang Yang, and Jian Gao,“Non-sinusoidal Supply Control Strategy Based on Rotor and Air-gap Flux Orientation for Multiphase Induction Machine,”in 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2019)
5. 谢颖,王严,“笼型异步电机转子断条故障引发电磁力波变化规律的研究,”电工技术学报, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 171–178, May. 2015.
6. 谢颖,王严,“小型异步电机模态计算与试验分析,”电工技术学报, vol. 30, no. 16, pp. 1–9, Aug. 2015.
● 通讯地址:
● Email: wangyan2021@zstu.edu.cn