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吴平 副教授,博士,硕导,自动化系主任。



● 方向1,浮式风力发电机组故障诊断

(Floating Offshore Wind Turbine(https://theogm.com)

● 方向2,钢铁流程工业智能


● 方向3,机械设备故障诊断及寿命预测



[P1] 2018.1-2020.12 国家自然科学青年基金:基于子空间方法和散度测度的大型天然气液化装置微小故障检测与诊断研究

[P2] 2019.1-2021.12 浙江省基础研究与公益项目:基于深度学习和物联网的异步电机故障诊断关键技术研究与系统开发

[P3] 2016.1-2018.12 浙江省基础研究与公益项目:基于物联网的天然气场站压力控制回路监测与诊断

[P4] 2020.1-2022.12 企业横向:电梯图像识别与控制

[P5] 2021.1- 企业横向:高炉鼓风与TRT机组数字孪生系统


[J1]Ping Wu*, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari, Yichao Liu, J. W. van Wingerden. Data-Driven Incipient Fault Detection via Canonical Variate Dissimilarity and Mixed Kernel Principal Component Analysis.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(8), 5380-5390.(SCI, IF= 10.215)

[J2]Ping Wu*, Siwei Lou, Xujie Zhang, Jiajun He, Yichao Liu, Jinfeng Gao. Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis Using Deep Canonical Variate Analysis and Fisher Discriminant Analysis.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(5), 3324 – 3334. (SCI, IF= 10.215)

[J3]Ping Wu*, Yichao Liu, Riccardo M. G. Ferrari, J. W. van Wingerden. Floating offshore wind turbine fault diagnosis via regularized dynamic canonical correlation and fisher discriminant analysis.IET Renewable Power Generation, 2021, 5(16), 4006-4018.(SCI: IF=3.930)

[J4]Ping Wu*, Xujie Zhang, Jiajun He, Siwei Lou, Jinfeng Gao. Locality preserving randomized canonical correlation analysis for real-time nonlinear process monitoring.Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 147, 1088-1100.(SCI, IF=6.158)

[J5] Yizhi Tong,Ping Wu*, Jiajun He, Xujie Zhang and Xinlong Zhao. Bearing Falt Diagnosis Via Combining Deep Residual Shrinkage Network and Bidirectional LSTM.Measurement Science and Technology, 2021, DOI:10.1088/1361-6501/ac37eb.(SCI, IF= 2.046)

[J6] Zhang, Xujie,Ping Wu*, Jiajun He, Yichao Liu, Lin Wang, and Jinfeng Gao. Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Fault Diagnosis Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder with Temporal Information.Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2021, doi.org/10.1177/01423312211057994.

[J7] Jiajun He,Ping Wu*, Yizhi Tong, Xujie Zhang, Meizhen Lei and Jinfeng Gao. Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Improved One-Dimensional Multi-Scale Dilated CNN.Sensors,2021, 21(21), 7319-7134. (SCI, IF= 3.576)

[J8]Jiaqi Wang, Jinfeng Gao,Ping Wu.Attack-resilient event-triggered formation control of multi-agent systems under periodic DoS attacks using complex Laplacian,ISA Transactions, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2021.10.030.

[J9]Yichao Liu, Joeri Frederik, Riccardo M.G. Ferrari,Ping Wu, Sunwei Li, Jan‐Willem Wingerden, Fault‐tolerant individual pitch control of floating offshore wind turbines via subspace predictive repetitive control,Wind Energy, 2021, doi:10.1002/we.2616.

[J10]Yichao Liu, Riccardo Ferrari,Ping Wu, Xiaoli Jiang, Sunwei Li, Jan-Willem van Wingerden, Fault diagnosis of the 10MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Benchmark: A mixed model and signal-based approach,Renewable Energy, 2021, 164, 391-406

[J11]Ping Wu*, Siwei Lou, Xujie Zhang, Jiajun He, and Jinfeng Gao. Novel Quality-Relevant Process Monitoring based on Dynamic Locally Linear Embedding Concurrent Canonical Correlation Analysis,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(49), 21439-21457. (SCI, IF= 3.72)

[J12] Siwei Lou,Ping Wu*, Lingling Guo, Jiajun He, Xujie Zhang, Jinfeng Gao. Dynamic process monitoring using dynamic latent-variable and canonical correlation analysis model.The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 99(4),986-998. (SCI, IF=2.007)

[J13] Lingling Guo,Ping Wu*, Siwei Lou, Jinfeng Gao. A multi-feature extraction technique based on principal component analysis for nonlinear dynamic process monitoring.Journal of Process Control, 2020, 85:159-172.(SCI, IF=3.666)

[J14] Siwei Lou,Ping Wu*, Lingling Guo, Yiyong Duan, Xujie Zhang, Jinfeng Gao. Sparse Principal Component Analysis Using Particle Swarm Optimization,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2020, 53(7), 327-336. (SCI, IF=0.73)

[J15] HaiYun Zhou,Ping Wu*. A Comparison Study of Subspace Identification of Blast Furnace Ironmaking Process,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2020, 53(9): 540-545. (SCI, IF=0.73)

[J16]Yichao Liu, Alessandro Fontanella,Ping Wu*, Riccardo M.G. Ferrari and Jan-Willem van Wingerden. Fault Detection of the Mooring system in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines based on the Wave-excited Linear Model,Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1618, 022049.

[J17] L. Guo;Ping Wu*; J. Gao; S. Lou; Sparse Kernel Principal Component Analysis via Sequential Approach for Nonlinear Process Monitoring,IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 47550-47563.

[J18]Ping Wu*; L. Guo; S. Lou; J. Gao; Local and Global Randomized Principal Component Analysis for Nonlinear Process Monitoring,IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 25547-25562.

[J19]Ping Wu*, Guo, Lingling; Duan, Yiyong; Zhou, Wei; He, Guojun; Control loop performance monitoring based on weighted permutation entropy and control charts,Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 97(S1): 1488-1495.

[J20]Ping Wu*.Performance monitoring of MIMO control system using Kullback-Leibler divergence,Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 96(7): 1559-1565.

[J21]Ping Wu*, CHEN Liang, ZHOU Wei, GUO Ling-ling; Online subspace identification based on principal component analysis and noise estimation, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 2018, 52(9): 1694. (In Chinese)

[C1] XuJie Zhang,Ping Wu*, Jiajun He, Siwei Lou, Jinfeng Gao. A GAN Based Fault Detection of Wind Turbines Gearbox. The 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS). IEEE, 2020: 271-275. (EI检索会议)

[C2] Jiajun He,Ping Wu*, Jinfeng Gao, Xujie Zhang, Siwei Lou Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Detection based on Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks. The 7th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems (ICCSS). IEEE, 2020: 517-521. (EI检索会议)

[C3] Xuemei Wang,Ping Wu*, Siwei Lou. Quality-Relevant Process Monitoring Based on Improved Concurrent Canonical Correlation Analysis. 2021 IEEE 10th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS), IEEE, 2021:565-570. (EI检索会议)

[C4] L. Guo; P. Wu; S. Lou; J. Gao; Sparse dynamic inner principal component analysis for process monitoring, 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).

[C5] S. Lou; P. Wu; L. Guo; J. Gao; A Novel Structured Dynamic CCA Modeling for Process Monitoring, 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC).


[1]发明专利:吴平,陈亮,潘海鹏,段怡雍.基于最小方差的控制回路性能评估方法及系统, ZL201710315252.7.授权


[3]发明专利:吴平,潘海鹏,陈亮.高炉煤气余热回收装置的透平机静叶厚度监测方法及系统, ZL201610933790.8


● 通讯地址:浙江理工大学15号楼219

● Email: pingwu@zstu.edu.cn




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