黄柳 讲师,博士。
● 微纳结构三维形貌测量,微纳结构器件的表面形貌特征是评定其质量和性能的重要参数,与可靠性、使用寿命和物理机械特性都紧密相关。研究利用机器视觉技术、数字全息成像技术、白光干涉技术和图像处理技术等,探索和实现高分辨率、低噪声、无畸变和大测量范围的微纳结构三维形貌测量方法。
● 数字全息显微测量,围绕数字全息显微中数值重建、相位滤波、相位解包裹、畸变补偿和双波长测量等关键技术展开研究,设计和构建单/双波长远心像面数字全息显微实验装置,应用于MEMS芯片表面形貌测量、微纳制造过程在线缺陷检测和MEMS微纳结构器件动静态测试中。
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,飞秒激光单脉冲数字全息微纳结构测量理论与方法的研究52035015,300万,2021.1~2025.12,排名7
1. Liu Huang, Liping Yan, Benyong Chen. Phase restoration of digital holographic microscopy with an adaptive reliability mask for phase unwrapping in microstructure testing[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 138: 106416.(SCI二区)
2. Liu Huang, Liping Yan, Benyong Chen, Yanjiang Zhou, Tao Yang. Phase aberration compensation of digital holographic microscopy with curve fitting preprocessing and automatic background segmentation for microstructure testing[J]. Optics Communications, 2020, 462: 125311.(SCI三区)
3. Liping Yan, Xingyong Tang,Liu Huang, Benyong Chen. Adaptive mask generating algorithm based on the fuzzy set theory for the weighted least-squares phase unwrapping[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2021, 146: 106721.(SCI二区)
4. Liping Yan, Qiuxia Wang,Liu Huang, Benyong Chen, Ye Lin. Phase unwrapping of digital holographic microscopy using adaptive region segmentation and phase derivative calibration with respect to fringe density[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2022, 148: 106780.(SCI二区)
5. Liping Yan, Haoliang Feng, Benyong Chen, Xinyong Tang,Liu Huang. Adaptive local threshold segmentation for Fourier spatial filtering in automatic analysis of digital speckle interferogram[J]. Optical Engineering, 2020, 59(4): 046108.(SCI四区)
1. 严利平,王秋霞,陈本永,黄柳.基于条纹密度区域分割和校正的物体三维形貌测量方法.国家发明专利, 202110068374.7(专利申请号).
2. 严利平,唐信永,黄柳.一种高精度的数字散斑干涉相位定量测量方法.国家发明专利, 202110069385.7(专利申请号).
● 通讯地址:杭州市钱塘区下沙高教园区浙江理工大学23号楼322
● Email: huangliu@zstu.edu.cn