王政道 副教授,博士,硕导
● 格子Boltzmann方法算法研究
● 柔性体大变形流固耦合问题研究
1. 多场耦合介观方法及传热多相流动特性研究,浙江省自然科学三等奖,3/5,2021年
1. 国家自然科学基金,等温-绝热边界对湍流热对流转捩特性的影响,2020.1~2022.12,排名1
2. 浙江省自然科学基金,含粗糙隔板换热器中强化传技术开发与应用,2021.1~2023.12,排名1
3. 浙江省自然科学基金,含柔性体增强传热的换热器内部动态热响应机理研究,2022.1~2024.12,排名1
4. 横向,机房空调用离心无蜗壳通风机关键技术研发,排名1
5. 横向,空调用离心风机降噪技术研究与应用,排名1
1. Wang Zhengdao; Wei Yikun*;Qian Yuehong; A bounce back-immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann model for curved boundary,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 81: 428-440.(SCI一区TOP)
2. Wang Zhengdao; Wei Yikun*; Qian Yuehong; A simple direct heating thermal immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for its application in incompressible flow,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2020, 80(6): 1633-1649.(SCI一区TOP)
3. Zhou Yi;Wang Zhengdao*; Qian Yuehong; Yang Hui; Wei Yikun; Numerical simulation of the flow around two square cylinders using the lattice Boltzmann method,Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(3): 03711.(SCI)
4. Yikun Wei; Yumeng Li;Zhengdao Wang*; Hui Yang; Zuchao Zhu; Yuehong Qian; Kai H. Luo; Small-scale fluctuation and scaling law of mixing in three-dimensional rotating turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor instability,Physical Review E, 2022, 105, 015103.(SCI)
5. Zhengdao Wang; Yikun Wei*; Yuehong Qian; A novel thermal lattice Boltzmann model with heat source and its application in incompressible flow,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022, 427, 127167.(SCI二区TOP)
1. 王政道等,一种带仿生叶片尾缘的轴流通风机,实用新型,ZL 201921528898.4,2019.9.13
2. 王铮宇、王政道等,一种增强换热的高效解冻板,实用新型,ZL 202122385511.8,2021.9.30
● 通讯地址:浙江省杭州市钱塘区2号大街928号23-414
● Email: dao@zstu.edu.cn