于佳文 副教授,博士,硕导
● 方向1,LNG流动与传热
● 方向2,低温流体装备
● 方向3,强化传热与节能技术
1. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2023~2025.主持
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,液体火箭发动机涡轮泵间管内大温差气液混合特性研究,30万,2022.01~2024.12,主持
3. 浙江省“领雁”研发攻关计划项目,高性能关键基础件-5G基站冷媒冷却高速屏蔽泵研发与示范应用,220万,2022.01~2024.12,校内主持
4. 浙江省自然科学基金探索项目,非共沸混合工质螺旋强化管内冷凝流动与强化换热机理研究,9万,2020.01~2022.12,主持,结题
1. Yu J,Li M, Ge J, et al. A numerical study on oscillatory characteristics of unstable steam jet in water flow within a vertical pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.2024; 219: 124891. (SCI二区TOP)
2. Yu J, Huo R, Shen H, et al.A simulation study on the condensation flow and thermal control characteristics of mixed refrigerant in a dimpled tube.Applied thermal engineering. 2023; 231:120889.(SCI二区TOP)
3. Yu J, Li M, Ma X, et al.Numerical study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of the double-hole jet in flowing liquid.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2023; 146: 106939.(SCI二区)
4. Yu J, Ma X, Li M, et al.Study on thermodynamics and flow characteristics of jet condensate in subcooled flowing liquid.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2023; 47:103040.(SCI二区)
5. Yu J, Li X, Zhu Z. Study on condensation flow and heat transfer characteristics of multicomponent mixture in dimple tube.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2022; 35:102132.(SCI二区)
6. Yu J, Chen J, Lu L, et al. Void fraction and pressure drop of hydrocarbon mixture during condensation in a helically coiled tube.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021;178:121618.(SCI二区TOP)
7. Yu J, Jiang Y, Cai W, et al. Condensation flow patterns and heat transfer correction for zeotropic hydrocarbon mixtures in a helically coiled tube.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019;143:118500. (SCI二区TOP)
8. Yu J, Jiang Y, Yan Y. A simulation study on heat recovery of data center: A case study in Harbin, China.Renewable Energy. 2019;130:154-73. (SCI二区TOP)
9. Yu J, Jiang Y, Cai W, et al. Forced convective condensation flow and heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon mixtures refrigerant in helically coiled tubes.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018;124:646-54. (SCI二区TOP)
10. Yu J, Chen J, Li F, et al. Experimental investigation of forced convective condensation heat transfer of hydrocarbon refrigerant in a helical tube.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;129:1634-44. (SCI二区TOP)
11. Yu J, Jiang Y, Cai W, et al. Numerical investigation on flow condensation of zeotropic hydrocarbon mixtures in a helically coiled tube.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018;134:322-32. (SCI二区TOP)
12. Yu J, Jiang Y, Cai W, et al. Heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon mixtures refrigerant during condensation in a helical tube.International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2018;133:196-205. (SCI二区)
13. Yu J, Ma H, Jiang Y. A numerical study of heat transfer and pressure drop of hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant during boiling in vertical rectangular minichannel.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017;112:1343-52. (SCI二区TOP)
1. 一种低温泵性能测试系统,发明专利(ZL 202111068811.1)
2. 一种用于热水循环的屏蔽泵,实用新型(ZL 202222245349.4)
● 通讯地址:杭州市下沙高教园区2号大街928号浙江理工大学24-509
● Email: yujw@zstu.edu.cn